Zach's PEN #36: Fully-Vaccinated Easter
2021 Week 13: Baby haircuts, streak milestones, and scanning Gumps's old journals
Happy Easter/Chag Sameach/Blessed Spring Equinox PENpals,
I'm now fully recovered from my very-unbearable-to-Allison mancold after my second Moderna vaccine on Tuesday.
Another thing that made it a notable week is that Wendell got his first haircut, which I wrote about:

And another reason it was a big week is that I hit the magic 100 days in a row writing and publishing every day (also 100 days in a row of exercise). I wrote about that too, of course.

So yeah, big week.
Gumps’s Journals
A really cool project I'm doing right now is digitizing/scanning all of my grandfather's journals with some cool technology and a very helpful assist from Annaliese (who also babysits Louisa and Wendell a lot). For those who didn't know my grandfather, he was called Gumps and he was a force of nature, pretty much universally beloved by all (because he universally loved all).
He's the guy who taught me it's okay/totally cool to be interested in all kinds of different things. He was a psychiatrist by trade but he self-published books of poetry, kept bees and raised goats, and a lot a lot a lot of other things. I'm sure as I start to go through these (thanks for sending them up, Aunt Val!), Gumps will show up a lot in the coming months.
With varying levels of meticulousness, Gumps journaled and saved letters from 1941 when I believe he was being fast-tracked as a doctor in the navy for WWII until he died suddenly in 2000. I will find out more details by reading. Stay tuned, as they say.
This Week's Other Posts
I wrote about how much I love ping-pong and one of the reasons why.

After getting my second vaccine today, I wrote about the way I conceptualized medicine working as a child.

I wrote about self-centeredness and how it relates to my well-being.

My experiment of publishing 100 posts in 100 days was successful, so I wrote about why I've decided to continue indefinitely.
I wrote about the trap of designing workflows before you have any output from them.

I wrote about a few very Philadelphia examples of where we all communally agree to ignore the rules. This last one is a reprint from an early PEN. Since I decided to write daily the way I used to write the PENs, I've gone back and wanted to take some of those pieces and put them on the little blog.

Another one of those situations where Allison "will never see them in these outfits again" so here are the pictures. My film processing capabilities can't come soon enough (ordered months and months ago, will arrive in a couple weeks). These were shot on the Fuji digital (X100V):
Is it just us or did Wendell’s haircut instantly age him like 11-16 years.
Hope everyone is getting their shots and feeling very safe soon.
Happy spring, PENpals,